Development Management (DPD)

Development Management (DPD) - Examination Stage

Inspectors Report

The Inspector’s Report into the soundness of the Development Management Submission Document has been received, which found that the document is sound subject to a number of minor modifications. Receipt of the report concludes the examination.

The final report can be downloaded below:

Inspectors Report

The Development Management Plan, which includes the minor modifications recommended by the Inspector, was adopted at Full Council on 23rd July 2015.


The Revised Proposed Submission Development Management Development Plan Document (DM DPD) was submitted to the Government for independent examination on 31st July 2014. This document sets out proposed detailed day-to-day planning policies through which development within the City will be delivered, and which planning applications will be judged against.

In addition to the DM DPD Submission Document, the Council also submitted a number of supporting documents to the Secretary of State. These include the representations submitted during the revised proposed-submission consultation, as well as the results of previous community involvement and other evidence. All documents form part of the examination library and can be found in the table below. The Programme Officer can make available electronic or paper copies on request.

The Programme Officer for the examination is Kerry Freeman. Any correspondence with regard to the examination should be sent to: Kerry Freeman, Programme Officer, Rochford District Council, South Street, Rochford, Essex, SS4 1BW Phone 01702 318073 or by mail to

The Secretary of State has appointed Mr David Smith BA(HONS) DMS MRTPI of the Planning Inspectorate to conduct the examination.

The examination hearing took place on Tuesday 11th November at the Civic Centre.

A Hearing Session, as part of the DM DPD examination, took place on 11th November 2014 to discuss the various aspects of the plan. Following this hearing session, the Inspector provided guidance on the next steps in the examination process (see table below, reference EXDM008 [Inspectors Note]). The Council, in response, provided additional evidence to support discussions during the Hearing Session (see table below, reference EXDM010).

The Inspector has issued his interim views on the soundness of the plan (see table below, reference EXDM011), which includes the modifications required to make the plan sound. The Council has considered the Inspector’s interim views and has produced a consolidated list of modifications to the Development Management DPD Submission Document.

The Council is consulted on the proposed modifications between 19th December 2014 and 13th February 2015.

The proposed modifications, the Sustainability Appraisal Addendum, and Habitats Regulation Assessment Addendum are available to download below:

Proposed Schedule of Modifications to Development Management Submission Document

Sustainability Appraisal of the Development Management Submission Document – Schedule of Modifications

Habitats Regulation Assessment of the Development Management Submission Document – Schedule of Modifications

DM Schedule of Mods Response Forms Dec 2014

The Council will pass on any comments received during the consultation to the Programme Officer, however, the Inspector has specified that he will only be taking into account comments made on the proposed modifications and will not be considering comments on the DM DPD Submission version in its entirety. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Programme Officer. The Inspector will then consider the results of the consultation before finalising his report and recommendation.

Reference Submission Document Title
SD1 Southend on Sea Development Management DPD (Revised Proposed Submission)(2014)
SD2 Policies Map (Revised Proposed Submission) (2014)
SD3 Schedule of Proposed Minor Amendments
SD4 Consultation Statement
SD5 Sustainability Appraisal (2014)
SD6 Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (2014)
SD7 Habitats Regulation Assessment (Including Addendum)


Equality Impact Assessment

SD9 Duty to Co-operate Statement
SD10 PAS Soundness Self Assessment
SD11 DM DPD Proposed Submission Document
SD12 Policies Map (Proposed Submission)
SD13 DM DPD Issues and Options Document
SD14 Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy (2007)
SD15 Local Development Scheme (2014)
SD16 Statement of Community Involvement (2013)
SD17 Southend-on-Sea Annual Monitoring Report 2012-13

A full list of evidence base documents is available here

Documents submitted during the Development Management Document Examination (Prior to Hearings)
Exhibit number Document Author Date
EXDM001 Letter from Programme Officer Programme Officer 7th August 2014
EXDM002 Initial questions to Council Planning Inspector 27th August 2014
EXDM003 2nd Letter from Programme Officer Programme Officer 9th August 2014
EXDM004 Planning Inspector's Guidance Note Planning Inspector 9th August 2014
EXDM005 Response to Initial Questions Southend-on-Sea City Council 22nd September 2014
EXDM006 Schedule of Minor Amendments Southend-on-Sea City Council

22nd September 2014

EXDM007 Hearing Agenda 11th November Planning Inspector 4th November 2014
EXDM008 Inspectors Note of Final Session Planning Inspector 11th November 2014
EXDM009 Hearing Session Proposed Amendments Southend-on-Sea City Council 1st December 2014
EXDM010 Additional Evidence Southend-on-Sea City Council 1st December 2014
EXDM011 Post Hearing Letter Planning Inspector 28th November 2014
EXDM012 Additional Evidence - Parking Southend-on-Sea City Council 9th January 2015
EXDM013 Letter to Inspector Southend-on-Sea City Council 17th February 2015
EXDM014 Inspectors Final Report Development Management Document Planning Inspector 25th March 2015
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