Development Management (DPD)

Revised Proposed Submission Document Consultation

The Council undertook a six week publication consultation on the Revised Proposed Submission Development Management DPD (DM DPD) from 4 April – 16 May 2014. This document contained the policies as the Council intended to submit them to the Secretary of State. This consultation provided people with the final opportunity to comment on the proposed Plan and to state whether they consider the Plan to be ‘legally compliant’ and ‘sound’.

The Revised Proposed Submission DM DPD was the second proposed submission version of the document to be published for consultation. It updated and replaced the previous, now superseded proposed submission document. This was amended to ensure conformity with changes to national planning policy within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The revised version of the document also considered additional evidence and continued to take account of previous representations. A document that summarises the main changes between the first, now superseded, Proposed Submission Development Management DPD and the revised Proposed Submission version is available here

The Revised Proposed Submission Document and other key documents can be downloaded below:

A total of 54 representations were received during the consultation. A summary of the representations received at this stage can be viewed in the Regulation 22 Consultation Statement (Submission Document SD4). The Council is proposing a small number of minor amendments also outlined in SD4 and SD3.

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