Development Management (DPD)

Housing Standards: Transition Policy Statement

In March 2015 the Government introduced new technical housing standards in England and detailed how these would be applied through planning policy. This new national approach comprises additional ‘optional’ Building Regulations on water efficiency, access, and a national described space standard (referred to as “the new national technical standards”).

These new standards will come into effect on the 1st October 2015. From this date, relevant Southend Development Management policies should be interpreted by reference to the nearest equivalent new national technical standard.

As required by Government, this Policy Statement sets out how the existing policies relating to Housing Standards in the Development Management Document and Core Strategy should be applied from 1st October 2015.

Housing Standards: Transition Policy Statement

For full details of the national changes and the new national documentation please see Appendix 6 of the following link which has downloadable documents from the final housing standards review package published on 27th March 2015 (other sections may be of interested also):

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