Ethnic group
Key findings
Our Workforce 2020 to 2024
- 69.2% of employees in our organization identify as white - these stats excludes the "White" ethnic group to provide a clearer view of the representation of ethnic minority groups within our organisation
- 23.1% of our employee's ethnic background is unknown
- employees of Ethnic Minority groups make up 6.6% of our total workforce (up 0.1% from last year)
- 'Black – African' and 'Black - Caribbean' form the largest ethnic minority group within the Council
Differences between the local community and our workforce
- representation of Black groups within our workforce is slightly above the community percentage, while White, Asian, and Mixed ethnic groups are underrepresented compared to the local population
- additionally, 23.1% of the workforce's ethnicity is unknown, highlighting the need for wider data collection
Percentage of our staff who are part of an ethnic minority group
Year | Percentage |
2019/20 | 5.5% |
2020/21 | 5.3% |
2021/22 | 5.8% |
2022/23 | 6.5% |
2023/24 | 6.6% |
Southend Census data (2021) | 12.6% |
Ethnic background breakdown
This information is based on a total headcount of 1,809 employees.
- White (English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Eastern European and any other white background) - 1,251
- Mixed (White and Black Caribbean, Mixed - White and Black African, Mixed - White and Asian any other mixed background) - 29
- Black (Caribbean, African and any other Black background) - 61
- Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and any other Asian background) - 26
- Other ethnic groups (Arab, Chinese and any other ethnic group) - 3
- Declined to state - 21
- Not known - 418
Differences between the local community and our workforce
This information compares our findings to the 2021 Southend Census data.
Ethnic background | Southend City Council workforce (percentage) | Southend Census data 2021 (percentage) | Difference (percentage) |
White | 69.2% | 87.5% | -18.5% |
Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | 3.4% | 2.9% | 0.5% |
Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | 1.4% | 5.5% | -4.1% |
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups | 1.6% | 3.1% | -1.5% |
Other ethnic groups | 0.2% | 1.1% | -0.9% |
Not known | 23.1% | Not applicable | Not applicable |