Residential Disabled Parking Bay (RDPB) Policy

Executive summary, purpose and scope

Executive Summary

We have a responsibility to meet specific duties as set out in the 2010 Equality Act. One of the main aims of the equality duty, is to consider the need to 'advance equality of opportunity between people:

  • who share a protected characteristic, and
  • people who do not share it'

This is also particularly relevant to this policy.

This objective covers further aims:

  • remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics
  • take steps to meet the needs of people with certain protected characteristics where these are different from the needs of other people
  • encourage people with certain protected characteristics to take part in public life, or in other activities where their participation is low

This policy outlines our approach to implementing and managing on-street Residential Disabled Parking Bays (RSPBs) across the city. The aim is to keep the application for residents both:

  • consistent
  • transparent


RDPBs are parking spaces that are marked out on the public highway. They are installed to help disabled residents to:

  • maintain their independence
  • enable accessibility to their vehicle

Residents can only apply for and use a RDPB, if they:

  • are a valid Blue Badge, and
  • have a vehicle registered at their address

RDPBs will not be provided to reserve a parking space for carers and visitors.


This policy sets out the application process and criteria that must be met for a residential disabled parking bay to be implemented next to, or near to the applicant's home.

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