Permit terms and conditions

Business parking permits terms and conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all parking permits issued by Southend-on-Sea City Council and are designed to ensure the safe and efficient use of the road network.


To be eligible to apply for a business parking permit:

  • you must be a local independent small business or local charity organisation
  • you must operate from a non-residential address within a permit scheme area that has existing designated business permit bays or shared-use bays
  • the premises needs to be listed as part of the Traffic Regulation Order as a property eligible for a permit
  • not be affiliated with larger corporate chains or franchises

Where multiple businesses operate from one location, the eligible property is limited to the Business Rate registration.

All applications must be accompanied with one of the following forms of evidence:

  • non-domestic rates or business rates bill
  • business rates relief confirmation (for registered charities only)

Vehicle type

  • a vehicle displaying a permit must be a: -
    • passenger carrying vehicle with capacity to carry no more than 8 passengers, excluding the driver
    • motorcycle, tricycle, or quad bike, which is registered for use on the public highway
    • light goods vehicle
  • in all cases, the vehicle overall height must not exceed 2.3 metres, and the length must not exceed 5.5 metres
  • where parking spaces are marked, the vehicle must comfortably fit within the markings, without overhanging


Application must be made via the Council website as required, with the following supporting documents:

  • proof of address documents
  • proof of vehicle ownership documents. If a vehicle is leased, a copy of the hire agreement must be provided.
  • covering letter from the business owner, company secretary or director to confirm the vehicle details and ascertaining that vehicles are essential to the running of the business i.e. not just for parking at workplace.


  • a permit is valid only in the zone applied for, no concessions are made in any other zone
  • a vehicle parked by virtue of a permit, must not be used for any of the following purposes:
    • the sale, or the offering for sale of a vehicle.
    • the sale, or purchase of goods or services.
    • as accommodation, including sleeping, camping, cooking within or near to the vehicle, or for any commercial activities outside of the vehicle
  • the permit must be displayed on the dash or fascia of the vehicle, unless it is a ‘virtual permit’, administrated by the Council
  • no photocopies or adaptions of a permit are allowed, in such cases, the Council will consider it to be fraudulent and may issue a Penalty Charge Notice
  • the Council will accept requests to cancel a permit and will issue a refund which is pro-rata of every full remaining calendar month, subject to an administration fee. The Council will not cancel a permit or offer any refund where there is less than one full calendar month remaining before the permit expires


  • a permit is only valid when all terms and conditions are met, and where no other parking contravention has been committed
  • permits are issued specific to the vehicle bearing the registration. There will be an administrative charge for any amendments to the existing permit
  • where any of the terms and conditions are not met, the permit will be invalid, and a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) may be issued


  • when submitting an application, the applicant is accepting all of these terms and conditions of use
  • it is a criminal offence, if, with intent to deceive an applicant knowingly makes a false declaration and or supplies false or forged documents. The council may prosecute if evidence shows this to be the case

Data Protection

  • The Council will use personal data in line with the policy for General Data Protection Regulations, pursuant to administration of this scheme.


  • The Council reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions after giving notice to the permit holder of not less than 28 days.

Contact parking, travel and roads

Telephone: 01702 215003

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