Trading Standards

Goods and services disputes

Most disputes between a trader and a consumer (and disputes between traders) are subject to Civil Law. These include buying faulty or unsuitable goods or receiving poor services.

In the event of a possible breach of Civil Law, it is up to the individual, whether a consumer or a trader, to exercise and pursue their rights. In these instances contact should be made to Citizens Advice who will offer professional, impartial and free advice on how to resolve the issue.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 sets out the statutory rights for both consumer and businesses in the event of a dispute and Citizens Advice is guided by this law when addressing specific enquiries and complaints.

For your information, all enquiries dealt with by Citizens Advice are made available to Trading Standards and are assessed to ensure we maximise our resources.

Packaging guidelines for businesses

Almost all businesses use packaging to some extent to pack goods in the course of conducting their business. The main requirements of packaging regulations are:

  • weight and volume must be kept to the minimum amount necessary
  • must be manufactured to allow reuse or recovery in accordance with technical requirements
  • noxious and hazardous chemicals in packaging must be kept to a minimum

For all consumer and complaints, enquiries and advice, please call the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 04 05 06 or visit their website.

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