Trading Standards

Business advice

The Business Companion website is an information resource for businesses designed by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI).

This government sponsored information website provides free, impartial legal guidance to help business owners untangle what is sometimes a complicated and confusing world of trading standards and consumer protection legislation.

The website is designed to offer a basic understanding of how the law views businesses that sell goods and or services to consumers. Quick guides provide the answers and direct traders to more in-depth and specific guidance that delivers the detail.

If you are a trader or business owner and you require further advice, initial contact should be made with Citizens Advice who will refer the enquiry to the relevant Trading Standards Officer.

Southend Trading Standards Service offers advice to businesses on all of the legislation that the service enforces including weights and measures, safety and consumer protection.

We offer two types of advice:

  • general 'compliance advice' is free. However, there is a charging system for 'comprehensive advice' which will represent a more specific and detailed explanation to more complex business enquiries
  • charged advice is calculated at £80 per hour. The hourly rate we charge has been calculated in accordance with guidance issued by HM Treasury

The special needs of charities, not for profit organisations, micro and small businesses are recognised and dispensation is available.

For all consumer and complaints, enquiries and advice, please call the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133 or visit their website.

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