How to request CCTV footage


You can request CCTV footage because of an:

Alternatively, you can make a subject access request. Please be aware it is unlikely to succeed.

Obtaining camera images for other purposes

We do not provide CCTV footage to individuals for other types of incidents. If footage is required as evidence of a crime, then the police will contact us directly.

Legal information

Please note that the footage is provided pursuant to Schedule 2 Part 1 Paragraph 5 of the Data Protection Act 2018, where personal data is exempt from the non-disclosure provisions where disclosure is necessary.


If CCTV images are found, we will invite your solicitor or insurer to contact us to make payment. Our charges are:

  • Search only £210 (non-refundable)
  • Search and supply copy of up to six images or CCTV Footage £240

Why we charge

The public surveillance camera system is installed to deal with:

  • crime
  • anti-social behaviour and disorder

When a request is made, our staff search for the images for you. There is an administration fee for this search and production of any images.

Our camera locations are published online.

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