Planning Obligations a Guide to S106 and Developer Contributions (SPD 2) – Adopted 2015
This guide is a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and is part of the Southend-on-Sea Local Development Framework (LDF) (also known as the Development Plan or Local Plan). The LDF is a set of development plan documents (DPDs) and supplementary planning documents (SPDs) that together form the planning policy framework for the town. Supplementary Planning Documents, which are subject to a public consultation process, provide guidance and further clarification of planning policy that is included in DPDs, which go through a formal statutory examination in public conducted by an independent planning inspector prior to adoption.
The purpose of this document is to set out Southend-on-Sea City Council’s approach and priorities in respect of seeking planning obligations when considering planning applications, together with a summary of the relevant national and local planning policies with which this SPD is consistent. In addition, the SPD sets out how Section 106 planning obligations, CIL, planning conditions and Highways Section 278 (S278) agreements work together as a set of tools to help achieve sustainable development. The Council will consider the combined impact of all these tools on development when considering any planning decision. This document aims to provide clarity in respect of what infrastructure will be secured through planning obligations/planning condition/S278 and what will be CIL funded, plus procedural information and contact details to assist in the negotiation of S106 Agreements. However, it should be noted that this is a guide only and proposals will be assessed on a site by site basis with individual circumstances of each site being taken into consideration.