Historical Planning Documents

BLP Chapter 4 Employment and Business (prefix E)

Policy E1 - Employment Promotion - Saved

The City Council will promote the introduction of new employment to Southend and the expansion of existing businesses where these are compatible with the aims of the Council's Environmental Charter. This will be achieved by:

  • providing up-to-date information and advice on the attractions of the area for new business, the availability of sites and premises and on sources of assistance;
  • giving priority to those planning applications involving employment generating development;
  • encouraging greater efficiency in the re-use, adaptation or redevelopment of older industrial premises, subject to the need to safeguard local environmental conditions;
  • seeking opportunities for the development of land or premises (including Council-owned land or premises) for employment generating uses, where appropriate.

Policy E2 - Major Office Development - Saved

Proposals for major office developments within schemes for Proposal Sites P4a, P4b, P4c, P4d, P4k, P5a, P5b, P5c, P5d and P6f will normally be permitted. Elsewhere major office developments are unlikely to be considered appropriate except where they form part of a business park proposal or where vacant or under-used land is brought into use, provided that there is no over-riding need for which the site is appropriate, and that there is no adverse effect on residential amenities.

In addition, the loss of existing major office floorspace by redevelopment or change of use will not normally be permitted unless alternative development is proposed which would bring clear benefits to the town in terms of facilities provided and jobs created.

Note: For the purpose of this policy, major office developments are regarded as those involving a gross floorspace in excess of 1,000m².

Policy Cross References : Proposals P4a (Baxter Avenue), P4b (Former Queens Hotel, Hamlet Court Road), P4c (Whitegate Road), P4d (Pitmans Close), P4k (Central Station, Clifftown Road), P5a (Former Municipal College Site, London Road), P5b (Warrior Square and Whitegate Road), P5c (Tylers Avenue and York Road), P5d (Alexandra Street, High Street and York Road) and P6f (Land at London Road and to the Rear of Imperial Avenue).

Policy E3 - Secondary Offices - Saved

Proposals for office uses of less than 1,000m² will be encouraged at ground floor level and above within Secondary Shopping Frontages and at ground floor level within Fringe Commercial Areas as delineated on the Proposals Map. Additionally, secondary offices may be considered appropriate above Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontages and above properties in Fringe Commercial Areas, except where this would result in an unacceptable impact on or loss or residential amenities and subject to Policies H4 and H5 (see also Policies H2 and S5). All proposals for secondary offices will be required to provide appropriate car parking and servicing facilities.

Policy Cross References : H2 Future Housing Needs, H4 Preservation of Residential Uses, E5 Non-Residential Uses Located Close to Housing, and S5 Non-Retail Uses.

Policy E4 - Industry and Warehousing - Saved

Permission will not be granted for proposals involving the loss of industrial, warehousing or other business uses on land identified for such uses on the Proposals Map. Elsewhere permission will only be granted where this would bring clear benefits to the town in terms of jobs created or facilities provided; would result in the relocation or extinguishment of a use which is incompatible with the amenity or proper development of the surrounding area; or where it can clearly be demonstrated that the premises are no longer suitable for industrial or warehouse use. The use or development of industrial or warehousing premises (or land allocated for such uses) for retail purposes of any kind will not normally be permitted.

Policy E5 -Non-Residential Uses Located Close To Housing - Saved

In order to safeguard the character and amenities of residential streets and to retain an adequate housing stock, proposals (including proposed changes of use) to establish, continue, intensify or expand a business or other non-residential activity within or adjoining a housing area will normally only be permitted where the proposal respects the character of the locality, satisfactorily meets the adopted design and layout criteria set out in Policies H5 and C11, and would not:

  • adversely affect residential amenity in terms of appearance, overlooking, noise, smell, parking, traffic or other activity;
  • result in the undue clustering of such uses within a residential street; or
  • result in the loss of residential accommodation except in accordance with the provisions of Policy H4 (see also Policies L6, U6, U8, U9 an U10).

Before granting permission the City Council will consider the need to prohibit subsequent changes to a particular use or uses (which would otherwise be permitted by virtue of the Use Classes Order or the General Development Order) in order to protect residential streets in the future from serious adverse effects on their character or amenity.

The use of residential premises for ancillary business activities which accord with the guidelines set out in Appendix 5 will normally be regarded as acceptable provided they are not detrimental to the residential amenities of adjoining occupiers or the character of the area.

Proposals which fail to meet the above criteria will normally be refused permission and the Council will seek to direct such activities to more appropriate locations in the City.

Policy Cross References : C11 New Buildings, Extensions and Alterations, H4 Preservation of Residential Uses, H5 Residential Design and Layout Considerations, L6 Hotels and Guest Houses, U6 Non-Residential Health Care Facilities, U8 Provision of New Education Facilities, U9 Childminding Facilities, U10 Provision of Other Community Facilities and Appendix 5 Non-Residential Policy Guidance.

Policy E6 - North Road/Salisbury Avenue - Not Saved

Within the North Road/Salisbury Avenue Area, as delineated on the Proposals Map, the City Council will seek the improvement of the environment and the amenities of local residents by:

  • refusing all applications for the consolidation, redevelopment or extension of existing or proposed industrial, commercial or warehouse premises, except in very special circumstances;
  • actively seeking the relocation of such activities and the redevelopment of their premises for residential purposes;
  • considering the acquisition by the Council of industrial, commercial or warehouse premises which become vacant, for residential redevelopment, having regard to the circumstances at the time;
  • exploring all sources of funding for such relocation, acquisition and residential redevelopment as part of the Council's on-going programme of action with regard to inappropriately located industrial or other non-residential uses;
  • considering the introduction of other measures to ease traffic and parking stress in the area.
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