Historical Planning Documents

BLP Chapter 9 Transport and Parking (prefix T)

Policy T1 - Priorities - Saved

The City Council will consider all transport proposals and future strategies for Southend in the light of the need to reduce congestion and delay on the main road network of the town in ways which do not give rise to environmental problems, which increase road safety, which facilitate the use of public transport, which enhance the accessibility, attractiveness and viability of Southend town centre, and which contribute to traffic calming.

In addition, all proposals for development will be required to have due regard to road safety and the capacity of the highway network. Any transport or development proposal likely to have significant environmental effects should be supported by a comprehensive environmental impact assessment.

Policy T2 - A127 - Saved

The City Council will continue to press the Department of Transport to upgrade at the earliest opportunity the A127 west of Southend as a high capacity trunk route.

The Council will, jointly with the Highway Authority, seek the formulation and implementation of a programme of junction improvement along the A127 within the City as a high priority, in order to provide safe and convenient traffic movement and to enhance the town's commercial and leisure development opportunities.

Policy T3 - A13 and Related Routes - Saved

The adopted long-term strategy for South-East Essex proposes an additional east/west route for through traffic which should improve traffic conditions on the A13. However, within the plan period the A13 will continue to function as a multi-purpose route and the City Council intends to introduce environmental management and traffic regulation measures which would include minor road improvements where practicable. The objective of management and regulation is to secure improvements in traffic flow, safety, and environmental conditions for pedestrians and shoppers. Traffic calming measures will be considered in the City to discourage vehicular penetration especially on residential side roads where local interests and amenity would be adversely affected by through traffic from the A13 seeking alternative routes. The need for more substantial improvements to the A13, east of Bournes Green, will be kept under review.

Policy T4 - B1013 Link And Eastwoodbury Lane - Not Saved

The City Council will press for the earliest possible implementation of the preferred option for the B1013 link to Southend, in order to improve access to the town and its airport, and to reduce accidents. An improvement of the alignment of Eastwoodbury Lane will also be sought.

Policy T5 - Sutton Road - Not Saved

The City Council will continue to press the Highway Authority to give high priority to a scheme for the improvement of Sutton Road between the B1013 and the City boundary and to safeguard its further improvement to provide a future link with the proposed Southend/Rochford outer by-pass route to the A127.

Polity T6 - A1159, Priory Crescent - Saved

The City Council will seek the improvement of the A1159 (Priory Crescent) between A127 (Cuckoo Corner) and Eastern Avenue, so as to achieve a capacity compatible with adjoining sections and in a manner which minimises impact on Priory Park.

Policy T7 - Seafront Access - Saved

The City Council will keep under review the need for the following improvements to the highway network in the light of proposals for new leisure development on the seafront, or major developments elsewhere:

  • the widening of Queensway Eastern spur to dual carriageway standard within existing highway land;
  • the widening of Southchurch Avenue to a standard appropriate to the requirements of the Highway Authority, such widening to be carried out as far as possible within existing highway limits and in connection with redevelopment for leisure purposes;
  • the improvement of the A12/A127 junction (Queensway and Victoria Avenue).

Policy T8 - Traffic Management and Highway Safety - Saved

The City Council will seek to achieve the optimum use of each link in the existing highway network in accordance with its proper function. Where necessary, appropriate traffic management and traffic calming measures will be promoted, and existing controls kept under review, to ensure a proper balance between highway capacity, safety, residential amenity and shopper attraction is maintained. In addition, the City Council will continue to keep under review the feasibility of introducing residents' parking schemes and other environmental improvements in areas suffering from excessive on-street parking (see also Policy H2).

Proposals for development which would be likely to have a materially adverse impact on highway safety and movement will normally be refused. In the interests of highway safety, proposals for development dependent on access to a classified road will normally be required by means of a planning condition to provide vehicular turning facilities within the curtilage of the site to ensure that all vehicles entering and leaving the site may do so in a forward gear.

Policy Cross Reference : H12 Environmental Improvement of Residential Areas.

Policy T9 - Town Centre Parking (Off-Street) - Not Saved

Within the Central Business District, the provision of additional off-street parking spaces will be promoted. The management of existing spaces under the control of the City Council within this area will be reviewed, as appropriate, to provide for both short-term and long-term parking needs. Subject to resources being available, additional multi-storey car parks will be programmed for implementation in accordance with the proposals in this Plan.

Policy T10 - Town Centre Parking (On-Street) - Saved

In accordance with Policies H12 and T8, the City Council will keep under review opportunities for making environmental improvements in those residential streets adjoining the Central Business District which experience parking stress, subject to the need to safeguard adequate parking facilities for workers and visitors to the Town Centre. the Council will consider, in particular, opportunities for reducing the number of kerb-side spaces available to non-residents which may arise from the provision of additional off-street spaces in accordance with Policy T9.

Policy Cross References : H12 Environmental Improvement of Residential Areas, T8 Traffic Management and Highway Safety, and T9 Town Centre Parking - Off Street.

Policy T11 - Parking Standards - Saved

In considering planning applications for development (including changes of use) the City Council will require the provision of off-street car parking spaces. Current standards are set out in Appendix 8 for guidance. Within the Central Business District contributions will normally be sought towards the provision of publicly available spaces on those sites identified in this Plan for additional car parking. Permission will not normally be granted for any development which would be likely to give rise to additional demand for on-street parking, particularly in residential areas, or which would result in the loss of existing public parking facilities, unless satisfactory and convenient alternative provision is made.

Policy Cross Reference : Appendix 8, Car Parking Standards.

Policy T12 - Servicing Facilities - Saved

All new non-residential development proposals will be required to provide adequate off-street servicing facilities, and rear extensions to shops and offices will normally be restricted in accordance with the design guidelines set out in Appendix 5, in the interests of highway safety and the amenities of adjoining residential areas.

Policy Cross Reference :Appendix 5, Non-Residential Policy Guidance.

Policy T13 - Cycling and Walking - Saved

In accordance with the aims of the Council's Charter for the Environment the Council will seek to introduce a programme of measures to improve facilities for cyclists within the City, as resources permit, with the long-term objective of providing an integrated system of cycle ways and appropriately located cycle parks. Within the lay out of major new developments the City Council will seek the provision of a safe cycle/footpath network segregated from the road system with satisfactory access and parking facilities for cyclists.

Policy T14 - Public Transport - Saved

The City Council will seek to secure improvements to public transport services in the Plan area to ensure that public transport users and operators are not disadvantages in terms of accessibility to the town's amenities.

Policy T15 - Interchange Facilities - Saved

The City Council will seek attractive and convenient interchange facilities throughout the Plan area in order to promote the accessibility of all parts of the City by public transport, and in particular proposes to improve the town centre bus station (see Proposal P5c).

Policy Cross Reference : Proposal P5c (Tylers Avenue and York Road).

Policy T16 - Commuter Car Parking - Saved

The City Council will press British Rail to improve parking facilities for commuters at railway stations outside the town centre and will seek to protect the environment and amenities of all residential areas affected by on-street commuter car parking.

Policy T17 - Southend Airport - Saved

The City Council supports the operation of Southend Airport and the development of its potential as a generator of economic growth and employment, together with the provision of appropriate airport related or supporting development provided that this pays due regard to the highway network and to the environment of residential areas in the City. Any proposal which would be likely to cause severe detriment to the residential amenities of these areas will be opposed.

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