Historical Planning Documents

BLP Chapter 1 Green Belt and Natural Resources Policies (prefix G)

Policy G1 - Development within The Green Belt - Saved

Within the Green Belt, permission will not be given, except in very special circumstances, for the construction of new buildings or for the change of use, replacement or extension of existing buildings, other than reasonable extensions to existing dwellings (see also Policy G4). Proposals for such extensions which significantly increase the building envelope or do not reflect the scale, design and materials of the existing dwelling; which impair the visual appearance of the Green Belt; or which create a dwelling out of scale and character with its neighbours will not be permitted.

Permission may, however, be given to development proposals for the following purposes:

  • agriculture, mineral extraction or forestry;
  • small scale facilities for outdoor participatory sport and recreation;
  • institutions requiring large grounds;
  • cemeteries or similar uses which are open in character,

provided that all buildings contained within such developments are of such a scale, design and siting that the appearance of the countryside and the character of the Green Belt is not impaired.

(Policy cross reference : G4 Special Countryside Area)

Policy G2 - Land of High Grade Agricultural Quality - Not saved

With the exception of those development proposals which may be permitted in accordance with Policy G1, schemes which would result in the permanent loss of Land of High Grade Agricultural Quality, as identified on the Proposals Map, will normally be refused, unless it can be shown that no suitable alternative site of lesser agricultural value is possible and there is an overriding need for the development.

(Policy Cross Reference : G1 Development Within the Green Belt)

Policy G3 - Landscape Protection and Improvement - Saved

Within those areas defined as Landscape Improvement Areas on the Proposals Map, development proposals likely to cause permanent loss or damage to the natural beauty and traditional qualities of the landscape will normally be refused. Any proposals for development will, in addition, normally be required to retain existing trees and hedgerows and to incorporate new tree planting schemes to improve vegetation cover and landscape quality. The use of native trees and shrubs will be encouraged.

Policy G4 - Special Countryside Area - Not saved

Permission will not be given for built development of any kind within the area defined as a Special Countryside Area on the Proposals Map, in order to preserve the visual amenity of this wide open expanse of countryside.

Policy G5 - Special Landscape Areas - Saved

Within those areas defined as Special Landscape Areas on the Proposals Map, in addition to the requirements of Policy G3, development proposals will be refused unless their location, siting, design and materials, and landscaping accord with the character of the area in which they are proposed.

(Policy Cross Reference : G3 Landscape Protection and Improvement)

Policy G6 - Nature Conservation - Not saved

Development will not be permitted in those areas delineated on the Proposals Map as being within a Nature Reserve, Site of Special Scientific Interest or Ancient Woodland, or which are subsequently notified as such, unless it can be shown that there will be no adverse effects on plants or animals in their natural surroundings and that physical and natural features will be protected. The Council will also seek to protect wildlife habitats identified elsewhere are being important to nature conservation.

The advice of relevant nature conservation agencies and local organisations will be sought in relation to proposed development affecting identified wildlife habitats. The Council will also seek the proper management and maintenance of sites identified as being of nature conservation value, in particular Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Nature Reserves and Ancient Woodlands.

Policy G7 - Coastal Protection - Saved

There shall be the most stringent restrictions on development in those coastal areas of Belton Hills, Leigh Marshes and Two Tree Island delineated on the Proposals Map. Proposals for recreation development will be permitted within these areas only if they are open and informal in nature and do not adversely affect its rural character and wildlife or important local views.

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