Southend School Governors

What do governors do?

School Governors work with the headteacher and staff at the school to improve the educational achievement of all its pupils. Governors do not make day to day decisions about how the school is run, as their responsibilities are strategic.

Key functions of a governing body are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher

How much time is involved?

This varies greatly depending on your time availability and level of involvement, as well as attending at least one governing body meeting each term and committee meetings, if applicable. Governors also need to ‘get to know’ their school and this could involve visiting the school for events such as:

  • open days
  • learning walks
  • assemblies
  • school fetes
  • concerts

What are the different categories of school governors?

  • parent
  • staff
  • foundation
  • partnership
  • local authority
  • co-opted

The type of governor you will become depends on your situation; however all governors have the same roles and responsibilities once part of the governing board.

What support is available for school governors?

In Southend, we understand the importance of school governance and that is why our aim is to ensure ‘Excellence in Southend Governance’. We have a dedicated team here to support you throughout your volunteer role as a governor, as we understand the challenges you may face. Our advice and training is designed to support you, however we understand each governing board is different and therefore we offer bespoke whole governing board training too.

To view our up-coming Governor and Clerk training events, please visit the Southend Learning Network or email Rachel Marshall on to receive a copy of the Governor and Clerk Training Programme.

We also recommend that every governor in Southend regularly visits the Southend Learning Network, as on here you can access a range of useful information including.

  • the Weekly Newsletter (dedicated page for governors)
  • training and event opportunities
  • governor resources (
  • LA services information
  • news and documents
  • contact information for services and schools

Who can become a school Governor?

Governors come from all sections of the community and so anyone who is over 18 can apply with a few exceptions (these are outlined at the end of the application form).

But it is important that governors care about children and young people's education, have an interest in the community, are willing to learn new skills and have some spare time.

How can I apply to be a Governor?

If you are looking for an opportunity to be a school governor in Southend-on-Sea, please get in touch. If you have any questions around the role of a governor, what training we can provide for you, or the vacancies we have available, please contact our Services for Schools Officer on 01702 215757 or

Contact schools and learning

Telephone: 01702 212934

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