- Food Hygiene Documents Request
- Food Hygiene Rescore
- Free School Meals
- Freedom of Information Request
- Gambling Premises Licence (New)
- Gambling Premises Licence (Transfer or Vary)
- Gaming Machine Permit or Notification
- General Contact Form
- General Food Business Enquiry
- Graffiti or Fly-Posting
- Grass Cuttings on Pavement
- Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle Licence (Transfer)
- Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence (New Renew Replacement)
- Hackney Carriage Voting Page
- Health & Safety Complaint
- Highway Enforcement Request
- Highway Licence (Site inspections and deposits payment)
- Highway Permit or Licence
- Hiring out Horses Licence
- Home Education Music Group
- Homes for Ukraine sponsor ‘Thank You’ payment declaration
- Hosting a Small Event on Council Land
- Hosting an Event on Council Land
- Housing Advice and Homeless Enquiry
- Initial Notice
- Integrated Children, Youth & Family Support Services - Volunteering
- Licence to keep or train animals for exhibition
- Litter or Dog Bin
- Local Flooding - Residents Report
- Long Stay Immigration Inspection Request
- Lost Bus Pass
- Make a Building Regulations Payment
- Make a Food Complaint
- Make a Licence Payment
- Make a Licensing Complaint
- Massage and Special Treatment
- Mayor's Engagement Request
- Media and Filming in Southend
- Missed Collection
- Missed Sack Delivery
- Mulberry Memory Tree
- Museum Volunteer Application
- Music on Sea Ensemble Membership
- Music on Sea Ensemble Membership Payment (new members only)
- Music on Sea Instrument Hire
- Naming Ceremony Provisional Booking
- New Resident's Waste Pack
- Notice to Apply for a Zoo Licence
- Older Person Concessionary Travel Scheme
- Operational Parking Permit