General Food Business Enquiry

Form information

If you require information on operating of a new or existing food  business it is essential you read the information on our web pages which can be accessed by clicking on this link

For further information please click on the following link to access our Enforcement Policy

There is also a wealth of information available by clicking on this link

If you are starting a new business, taking over an existing business or changing the nature or ownership, please cancel this form and complete the form 'Register a Food Business'.

If you still cannot find the information you are looking for please complete this form.

Each page in this form has a 10 minute time limit. If you think you will need more time, write your answers in another document, then copy and paste them into the form. This helps ensure your information won't be lost.

Alternatively, you can sign in or register for a MySouthend account - this will allow you to save forms in progress and track the status of submitted forms.

Sign in  Register

Use the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to move through the form and select 'Submit form' on the last page.

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