Private rented sector housing enforcement policy

Appendix 1 - demolition orders and clearance areas

Making a Demolition Order under section 265 (Housing Act 1985 as amended by section 46 Housing Act 2004)

This action will be taken when it is considered to be the most appropriate course of action, usually when there are one or more serious category 1 hazards, the property is usually detached or there is a building line separating it from other properties, the adjacent properties will be stable and weatherproof or can readily be made so, it is in a potentially unsustainable area or it is causing severe problems to the amenity of the neighbourhood and repair would be very costly, it is not listed or of other historical interest.

Declaring a Clearance Area under section 289 (Housing Act 1985 as amended by section 47 Housing Act 2004)

This action will be considered where similar circumstances to those for determining if a demolition order exist but where it is necessary for the Council to acquire the land either for its own purposes or to sell on for either new build or other purposes favoured by the majority of persons affected. Area committee views will be relevant to any decision to declare a clearance area. This action will be followed by seeking a compulsory purchase order or voluntary acquisition.

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