Parking suspensions and dispensations

Parking dispensation - terms and conditions

This document sets out the terms and conditions for parking dispensation. We reserve the right to revise, withdraw or update any of the terms as and when required.

General terms and conditions

  • the Council only issues a parking dispensation in extraordinary circumstances where there is no suitable or alternative parking available for the reasons set out in the application
  • applications for a parking dispensation must be accompanied with the appropriate supporting document, such as bill of work, which will be assessed individually. The Council will assess all applications and consider the local needs and conditions, which vary significantly, before authorisation of applications.
  • applications for a parking dispensation must be accompanied with appropriate supporting document which will be assessed individually, taking into account local conditions and likely availability of space
  • applicants must make full payment of the parking dispensation charges (and administration fees) at least 5 working days in advance of the date on which the dispensation is due to start. Failure to comply with this time limit may result in the dispensation not being processed
  • parking dispensation is only valid to be used at the location (i.e. street name) agreed by the Council at the time of issuance. However, the vehicle MUST be moved if instructed to by a Police Officer, Civil Enforcement Officer or authorised Council officer in pursuit of their duties or where it is believed that an obstruction is being caused or for safety reasons. Failure to do so may result in the vehicle being issued a Penalty Charge Notice
  • parking dispensation is not valid for use to position a vehicle for sale, or to use the parking space for promoting goods and or services
  • a vehicle for which a parking dispensation has been issued must not be parked in a manner that could cause an obstruction or endangerment to other road users, including:
    • dropped kerbs used for access to premises or by pedestrians
    • locations with a loading restriction, indicated by yellow kerb markings
    • locations within 20m of a junction
    • locations where parking will cause obstruction to pedestrians
    • locations where parking would cause traffic congestion/safety concerns
    • specific permit bays - such as disabled parking bays, taxi ranks or bus stops
    • at school keep clear markings
  • new application must be submitted if an extension to an existing dispensation is required. However, it must be noted that this will not be automatically approved
  • parking dispensation may be revoked by the Council at any time; for violation of the stipulated terms, misuse or any other reason entirely at the Council's discretion. Upon revocation, such parking dispensation shall thereupon immediately cease to be valid and enforcement actions may be taken against the vehicle
  • dispensations are non-refundable
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