Annual parking report 2022/23

Introduction and context


In March 2008, the DFE brought in the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA 2004). This replaced the Road Traffic Act 1991.

The TMA 2004 aimed to:

  • enhance public view of parking enforcement by trying to keep parking regulation the same across the country
  • establish a more transparent system

The introduction of TMA 2004 resulted in a series of changes to:

  • parking enforcement procedures
  • revise terminology and documentation
  • the handling of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

It also made sure that authorities share information about parking enforcement. This includes the release of an annual report.

This report serves as a testament to the Council's dedication to serving our:

  • residents
  • local businesses
  • city visitors

Effective parking management stands as a key factor in advancing the Council's broader objectives in:

  • transportation
  • economic growth
  • urban planning
  • environmental sustainability

We remain committed to transparency in our parking operations.

This report gives a detailed overview of the initiatives taken in the previous financial year. This offers valuable insights into our upcoming plans.

Our previous Parking Reports can be viewed online.

The broad areas covered in the report are:

  • our performance indicators since the last Annual Report
  • financial information
  • the aspirations on services we provide

Contact parking, travel and roads

Telephone: 01702 215003

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