Financial information
What is the maximum amount available as a DFG?
The maximum amount is £30,000. We may give more in special cases.
Does the person have to contribute towards the grant?
DFGs are usually means-tested. This means the person's income and savings are checked to see if they need to pay towards the changes.
People need to provide:
- pay slips
- pension letters
- disability benefit letters
- bank statements
- savings and investment details
- property details
People on certain benefits do not need to pay towards the grant:
- income support
- universal credit
- income-based job seekers allowance
- guarantee pension credit
- housing benefit
- working/child tax credit (if income is below a certain amount)
Does the grant need to be repaid?
If the person sells or transfers the property within 10 years, they may need to repay up to £10,000. This applies to grants over £5,000.