
Advice for people leaving hospital

If you have nowhere to live when you are discharged from hospital, you should inform hospital staff as soon as possible. It is much easier to find the housing and support you may need if a referral is made at the earliest point possible.

Hospitals have a duty to refer you to a council for help and support with housing. Southend-on-Sea City Council has a working protocol with hospitals and other health services for patients who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.

If your health conditions make you significantly vulnerable, you will be considered to be in priority need for housing. If this is the case, the Council may have a duty to provide emergency housing when you leave hospital.

Even if you are not in priority need for housing, the Council may still have a duty to help you with finding longer-term housing. The Housing Solutions team will carry out a detailed assessment of your situation and you will be given a Personal Housing Plan. The plan will confirm the steps you need to take in order to obtain suitable, affordable housing.

Please note that, if you need care upon leaving hospital, this will need to be organised by health services and Social Care. In certain circumstances, they may also have a duty to provide housing, such as if you need residential care or if you are owed a Section 117 duty under the Mental Health Act and need specialist housing.

Useful websites - homelessness

Online forms - housing advice and homeless enquiry form

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