
Advice for people who have a mental illness or learning disability

If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness and you have a mental health condition or learning disability, you can approach the Council for help. You can also be referred to the council by health services.

The council work with a range of agencies, including health services, Social Care, and charities such as MIND. This ensures that the housing and support needs of people who suffer from mental health issues and learning disabilities are met.

Your mental health condition(s) or learning disability may mean you have a priority need for housing. The council will decide this based on your conditions alongside your personal circumstances. If this is the case, the Council may have a duty to provide emergency housing.

Even if you are not in priority need for housing, the Council may still have a duty to assist you with finding housing. The council will carry out a detailed assessment of your situation and you will be given a Personal Housing Plan. This will confirm the steps you need to follow to obtain suitable, affordable housing.

Useful websites - homelessness

Online forms - housing advice and homeless enquiry form

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