Essential Living Fund (ELF) Scheme Policy - Southend-on-Sea

Number of awards and repeat applications

For help with furniture, furnishings, household equipment, clothing, footwear, travel and other items not covered under the title of 'general living expenses' it will not normally be appropriate to make an award for the same expense if it has been less than 12 months since the last application, unless, the applicant has had a relevant change in circumstances that require them to reapply for the same expense - for example an application is made and agreed for a bed, the bed is destroyed in a house fire and the applicant applies for another bed.

Please note that travel costs for women being placed in a refuge outside of the area will not affect any other application made. Should they return to the violent partner no further help will be given.

For help with 'general living expenses' to award is at the discretion of the decision maker. If an applicant makes multiple claims under this rule the decision maker should take account of what the applicant will do and has done to resolve the issues that have caused them to claim. Ultimately the maximum number of awards allowed will be no more than 3 in any 12 month rolling period.

An exception to this could be made in extreme circumstances, at the discretion of the decision maker, so long as the claim is not in consequence of an act or omission for which the applicant or their partner is responsible or could have taken reasonable steps to avoid. An example of an applicant causing the emergency is having no money because they have gambled or misspent it. An example of not having taken reasonable steps to avoid it could be applying after the home has been burglarised but the home was not made secure in the first instance.

An emergency generally means a situation causing the applicant to have a pressing need or unforeseen circumstance either of which requires immediate remedy or action.

A disaster is an event of great or sudden misfortune or sudden calamitous event. Examples being flooding, gas explosion, chemical leak or fire.

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