Essential Living Fund (ELF) Scheme Policy - Southend-on-Sea

Appendix A

Other grants/funds/schemes for consideration in the award of an ELF grant

  • the prison service is responsible for ensuring a discharged prisoner has suitable and adequate clothing (Prison Services Manual V). This is for both convicted prisoners upon release and prisoners held on remand (if their own is not fit to wear). It is therefore recommended that the Decision Maker checks with the prison/probation services if the application is for clothing. The normal rule is the applicant should have a change of clothing and sufficient protective clothing. The ex-prisoner may also be given a travel warrant to pay for travel back home or anywhere else in the British Isles or Republic of Ireland where they are going to settle down. Most prisoners are also given a discharge grant to cover living expenses for the first week after they leave prison.
  • The Family Fund - This provides discretionary grants for families caring for a severely disabled child or children aged 17 or under. It is an independent Government funded organisation registered as a charity.
  • items for severely disabled children that are the responsibility of a statutory agency such as the health authority, local government, social services, housing or education department. This would include;
    • medical services such as equipment and continence supplies including nappies, buggies and wheelchairs - responsibility of health trusts or authorities
    • equipment for daily living such as ramps, hoists and bath aids - responsibility of social services
    • education equipment - responsibility of Children and Learning Department
  • benevolent funds
  • other sources of help as cited by websites such as Turn to Us
  • maternity expenses as covered by the Sure Start Maternity Grant which is designed to pay for the immediate needs of a new baby
  • funeral expenses as covered by the Funeral Payment regulated element of the Social Fund Scheme
  • expenses which the Local Authority has a statutory duty to meet, for example the Disabled Facilities Grant
  • DWP Cold Weather or Winter Fuel Payments
  • expenses that could be covered by the DWP Budgeting Advance if the applicant meets the qualifying conditions
  • The Benefit Advance - This is an advance of some of a claimants benefit made where they declare a financial need which may result in a serious damage to their health and/or welfare of them or their family, either at the start of a new claim or when a change means their benefit will significantly increase.
  • NHS Healthy Start Scheme - provides vouchers to buy cows milk, fresh or frozen vegetables and instant formula milk and Healthy Start vitamins. It is for people who are pregnant or have a child under 4 if they are in receipt certain means tested benefits
  • NHS Low Income Scheme - If a person has a low income they may be able to get help with the costs of prescriptions, dentists, eye care, healthcare travel, wigs and fabric supports through this scheme. The application form is available from the JobCentre, Hospital and most doctors, dentists and opticians.
  • Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card - This is provided to those unemployed claiming Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit for 3-9 months (18-24 year olds) or 3-12 months (over 25s). Other benefit recipients may receive a Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card from 3 months of their claim and if they are actively engaged with a Jobcentre Plus adviser. Cardholders are entitled to a 50% discount on selected rail tickets.
  • Free Rail Ticket Scheme (JobStart) - Partnership between C2C railway and Jobcentre for jobseekers and job starters. Jobseekers are eligible for up to 6 free tickets to interviews and job starters to 2 months free travel on C2C trains. An applicant must apply whilst still in receipt of benefits to be eligible.
  • Jobcentre Flexible Support Fund - A discretionary fund where a person can claim up to £120 over the lifetime of their benefit claim with the Jobcentre for:
    • travel warrants to attend interviews and refunds for travel costs to attend interviews
    • clothing for interviews
    • the cost of relevant checks to work in certain industries, such as the Construction Skills Certificate Scheme (CSCS) to work on a building site
  • Job Track Scheme with Greater Anglia - A scheme for students looking for their first job outside of education and people who have been out of work for more than 6 months that want to search further afield for a new career. The scheme provides up to six free day return train tickets to any train station that Greater Anglia serve to attend job interviews or look for work. If successful the scheme can also help with travel costs for the first 2 months of their new job.
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