How the Council Tax money is spent

How the money will be spent, where the money in Southend comes from and Capital Expenditure

How the money will be spent

How money is spent
What the money is spent on 2023 - 2024- Original £m 2024 - 2025 £m
Employees 90.6 92.9
Running Expenses 238.4 271.8
Schools Budget 24.5 21.9
Cost of Capital 26.1 15.9
Total 379.6 402.5

Where the money comes from

Where the money comes from
Where the money comes from 2023 - 2024 £m 2024 - 2025 £m
Government Grants 157.9 169.0
Other Grants and Reimbursements 22.1 23.8
Rents 5.5 6.3
Other Income 50.2 53.3
Business Rates 36.3 38.0
Revenue Supt, Grant 7.1 7.6
Collection Fund 2.0 1.0
General Reserve 1.0 0.0
Capital Reserve 0.0 0.0
Council Tax 97.5 103.5
Total 379.6 402.5

Capital Investment in Southend

The council has plans to spend a total of £69.2m on capital schemes for 2024 - 2025.

Where Southend plans to use Capital Investment
General Fund Services £m
Enterprise and Regeneration - Leveling Up Fund 22.1
Highways and Infrastructure 11.8
Investment in ICT 4.5
Southend Pier 4.2
School Improvement 2.7
Improvements and Priority Works to Council Property 2.5
Enterprise and Regeneration - other 1.9
Community Infrastructure Levy/106 Schemes 0.9
Disabled Facilities Grants and Private Sector Housing 0.8
Energy Efficiency 0.5
Social Care 0.2
Total 52.1
Amount Spent on Council Housing
Council Housing £m
Council Housing New Build Programme 6.7
Decent Homes Improvements 6.3
Housing Acquisitions Programme 3.4
Disabled Adaptions 0.7
Total 17.1
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