Education, training and employment - leaving care

Looking for employment

Finding employment or the right kind of training is a major worry for many young people. Because if this, it's important that you think about:

  • what type of job you want
  • what training or qualifications you will need

You can then contact the companies directly to see if they can advise any appropriate courses.

For further advice, you should also contact:

  • your Personal Advisor
  • a Virtual School Education Advisor
  • your Connexions Advisor
  • the Job Centre

National Insurance Number (N.I.)

To start work you will need a N.I. number.

This is essential because it identifies you uniquely as a person who has a legal right to work in the UK.

If you do not have a N.I. number, ask your Social Worker as this is issued at age 16.

The Job Centre

The Job Centre can help to find you employment. Please explain to the job centre that you are a care leaver.

If you are an asylum seeker, you must tell them and also explain your current immigration status.

There is an option of one to one support that is tailored to suit your needs. This is delivered by a Job Centre Personal Advisor.

These support sessions include:

  • are you job ready?
  • how to complete a CV
  • interview skills
  • can you dress to impress on a budget?
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