Care Leavers - Accommodation and finance

What money will I live on?

At aged 15 and 18 you will mostly likely be living in local authority funded accommodation i.e. foster care and there you will receive a personal allowance from your foster carer.

If you are aged under 18 and a parent looking after your own child, then you may be able to receive an income from the benefits agency. This additional benefit will continue after you turn 18. Please consult your Social Worker / Personal Advisor.

If you stay on at school or college after year 11 on a course involving 12 hours or more (and are aged 16-19), you can obtain a 16-19 bursary payment through your college if your attendance is good. You will also be eligible for a student travel pass.

Please get further advice from your Social Worker / Personal Advisor as it is important you ensure you are receiving what you are entitled.

When you turn 18, the local authority will stop providing you with personal allowance as you will become eligible to apply for benefits. You will be helped to make a benefit claim at least one month before your birthday if you are not working or on a paid apprenticeship. You will be booked in to see a Jobcentre Advisor who specifically supports care leavers to claim either:

  • job seekers allowance (JSA)
  • income support
  • employment and support allowance (ESA)
  • universal credit

depending on your personal circumstances.

They will also help you to make a claim for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support/Reduction to help pay towards the cost of your accommodation and council tax bill.

They can also help you with:

  • filling out forms
  • give you advice on what's the best benefit to claim for your personal circumstances
  • help you find a job or apprenticeship
  • contacting benefits agency on your behalf

If you are entitled to claim any form of benefits it is very important you do so in order without delay to manage your financial needs.

Remember you need to have a bank account before 18 years old, ID and National Insurance number number as you are responsible to claim Housing Benefit to pay your rent, Council Tax and any relevant benefits such as:

  • job seekers allowance
  • income support
  • universal credit
  • employment and support allowance

What if things go wrong?

Speak to your Housing Officer or Personal Advisor. Please don't leave it too late to resolve any issues, we are here to support you.

Contact Leaving Care

Telephone: 01702 212087

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