Vehicle Crossover Application (PVX)

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Form information

This application will require you to upload a copy of a plan/sketch of the proposed crossover and that you answer questions regarding whether the proposed site of the crossing is on a classified road, in a conservation area, in an article 4 direction area or forms part of a listed building. Please use the below links to find details of the above if you are not already sure as you will be required to provide proof of the relevant planning permission before your application will be considered.

To check if the site is on a classified road please click here

To check if the site is in a conservation area click here

To check if the property is a listed building please click here

A list of article 4 direction areas can be found below:

Clifftown Conservation Area

Chapmanslord Conservation Area

Undercliff Gardens

Each page in this form has a 10 minute time limit. If you think you will need more time, write your answers in another document, then copy and paste them into the form. This helps ensure your information won't be lost.

Alternatively, you can sign in or register for a MySouthend account - this will allow you to save forms in progress and track the status of submitted forms.

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Use the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to move through the form and select 'Submit form' on the last page.

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