You can use this form to notify the Selective Licensing Team of a dwelling within the selective licensing area that is not licenced.
Once the form has been completed it will be passed to the Selective Licensing Team to review.
If you are unsure if the dwelling is in the selective licensing area please use the postcode or address search on the map that can be found here
Designated Licensing Areas
If you currently reside within the dwelling that does not hold a licence and have an issue that also needs to be reported, please ensure you also submit a request either the 'Private Sector Housing Disrepair' reporting form which can be found here or the 'Report an issue with your home' form which can be found here.
For further information regarding the Selective Licensing Scheme please visit our advice page
Selective Licensing Scheme
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Each page has a 10 minute time limit for completion.
Use the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to move through the form and select 'Submit form' on the last page.