Tree Preservation Orders

Applying to do works on protected trees

If you want to carry out work on a protected tree, you need to complete an application. You can find more details on the GOV.UK website.

On the form, you should make it clear which tree(s) you want to carry out work on. You must also detail exactly:

  • what sort of work you want to carry out
  • the extent of the work (e.g. crown reduction of 2.0m all round, height reduction of 3.0m, branch removal from west side of crown at a height of 4.0m)
  • and the reasons why you want to carry out the work

If you have supporting documentation relating to these reasons you should include the evidence as well.

If you apply to fell a protected tree because it is causing structural damage to property, we may ask for supporting evidence such as a structural survey. The Communities and Local Government Office recommend that you provide the following reports:

  • a description of the property including:
    • a description of the damage and the crack pattern
    • the date that the damage first occurred/was noted
    • details of any previous underpinning or building work
    • the geological strata for the site identified from the geological map
  • details of vegetation in the vicinity, including the vegetation's management since discovery of the damage and a plan showing the vegetation and affected building.
  • measurement of the extent and distribution of vertical movement using level monitoring. If level monitoring is not possible, you should state why and give crack-monitoring data. This must show a pattern of movement consistent with the presence of the tree(s)
  • a profile of a trial/bore hole dug to identify soil characteristics and foundation type and depth
  • the sub-soil characteristics including soil type (particularly that on which the foundations rest), liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index
  • the location and identification of roots found. If the identification is uncertain, DNA testing should be carried out
  • proposals and estimated costs of options to repair the damage. You should also include a report from an arboriculturist to support the tree work proposals, including arboricultural options for avoidance or remediation of indirect tree-related damage

Useful websites - protected trees

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