Traffic Regulation Orders and consultations

Temporary Changes to Public Highway and Footway Use

TTRO for Streetworks (Utility Companies):

Utility companies must apply for a TTRO for major streetworks affecting the public highway, such as road closures or restrictions.

A minimum of three months’ notice is required, along with an application for a Major Streetworks Permit which must include a Traffic Management Plan(s), and Diversion Route Plans (ideally 1:1250 scale).

Application Requirements:

The TTRO application must be submitted simultaneously with the Major Streetworks Permit application. This ensures compliance with the legal requirements.

A minimum of 3 months' notice is required for a Major Permit and TTRO application.

The application fee. Costs at the time of application may vary. The current fees can be found on our Council Fees and Charges pages.

Required Documentation:

  • Traffic Management Plan(s)
  • Diversion Route Plans (ideally 1:1250 scale)
  • Scaled Plan (ideally 1:1250) of the affected location

Important: It is mandatory requirement to submit a streetworks permit application at least 3 months in advance of works commencing.

Cancellations and Rescheduling:

If the TTRO is no longer required on the requested date, you must inform us at least 3 weeks in advance of its start date.

Failure to provide notice will result in the full TTRO charge being applied.

TTRO for Non-Utility Works:

For non-utility works requiring traffic restrictions, an application for a Highway Licence or Permit must be submitted before a TTRO application is submitted.

Applications must be submitted at least four weeks in advance of the start date and must include, Traffic Management Plans.

Application Requirements:

A minimum of 4 weeks' notice is required. A TTRO can only be requested once a Highway Licence or Streetworks Permit (excluding utility companies) has been granted.

Traffic Management Plans must be provided at the permit application stage.

The application fee at the time of application may vary. The current fees can be found on our Council Fees and Charges pages.

Required Documentation:

  • Traffic Management Plan(s)
  • Diversion Route Plans (ideally 1:1250 scale)
  • Scaled Plan (ideally 1:1250) of the affected location
  • Evidence of granted Highway Licence/Permit

Important: If a Highway Licence is required, the applicant must obtain it before submitting the TTRO application. Failure to obtain a licence under Sections 143 and 169 of the Highways Act 1980 may result in the removal of unauthorised structures and potential legal action.

Cancellations and Rescheduling:

If the TTRO is no longer required on the requested date, you must inform us at least 3 weeks in advance of its start date.

Failure to provide notice will result in the full TTRO charge being applied, as outlined in the Council's Fees and Charges.

TTRO for Special Events

Event organisers requiring temporary road closures and or restrictions must apply for a TTRO at least 8 weeks in advance. This must be once an Event Permit or Licence has been granted.

Application Requirements:

A minimum of 8 weeks' notice is required after an Event Permit/Licence has been granted.

Traffic Management Plans must be provided at the permit application stage.

The application fee at the time of application may vary.The current fees can be found on our Council Fees and Charges pages.

Required Documentation:

  • Traffic Management Plan(s)
  • Diversion Route Plans (ideally 1:1250 scale)
  • Scaled Plan (ideally 1:1250) of the affected location
  • Copy of Event Permit or Licence

Important: If an Event Permit has not yet been obtained, please visit the Hosting an event on council land webpage for guidance, before submitting this application.

Cancellations and Rescheduling:

If the TTRO is no longer required on the requested date, you must inform us at least 3 weeks in advance of its start date.

Failure to provide notice will result in the full TTRO charge being applied, as outlined in the Council's Fees and Charges.

Streetworks Emergency Notice (for Utility Companies)

For emergency streetworks, utility companies must submit an Emergency Notice to inform us of immediate works that are required.

Application Requirements:

Emergency Notices must be submitted as soon as the works are identified.

A detailed description of the emergency works, including expected timelines and traffic management measures, must be provided.

A TTRO may be required depending on the scope of the works.

The application fee at the time of application may vary. The current fees can be found on our Council Fees and Charges pages.

Required Documentation:

  • Traffic Management Plan(s) (if applicable)
  • Detailed description of emergency works
  • Expected duration of works

Important: Emergency Notices must be submitted as soon as practicable to ensure compliance with safety and traffic management regulations.

TTRO for Internal SCC Services

Before submitting a TTRO application for an internal SCC service, a streetworks permit must first be granted by the Streetworks management team.

Application Requirements:

A minimum of 4 weeks' notice is required.

Traffic Management Plans must be provided.

Required Documentation:

  • Traffic Management Plan(s)
  • Diversion Route Plans (ideally 1:1250 scale)
  • Scaled Plan (ideally 1:1250) of the affected location
  • Streetworks permit approval from Streetworks management team

Important: Ensure that all relevant documentation is submitted at least 4 weeks in advance of the intended start date.

Emergency Notice for Internal SCC Services

For emergency works related to internal SCC services, a streetworks permit must be granted before submitting a TTRO application.

Application Requirements:

A TTRO application for emergency works must be submitted as soon as the emergency is identified.

Traffic Management Plans must be submitted to ensure the safety and efficient management of the works.

Required Documentation:

  • Traffic Management Plan(s)
  • Detailed description of emergency works
  • Confirmation of permit approval

Important: Emergency TTROs must be submitted at the earliest possible opportunity to notify statutory consultees of temporary road closures and or restrictions.

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