Sixth form school information events

Secondary schools that provide sixth form and post 16 education in the city hold events for:

  • year 11 pupils and
  • their parents

The dates and times are listed on the information events page as provided by the schools. Any questions about these events should be directed to the school(s).

We also provide information for South Essex College.

For sixth form provisions outside the city, please visit the respective school website.

Connexions service

Connexions offer employment support to young people up to the age of 19. This includes:

  • advice and guidance on career choices
  • training and support in finding employment

The service works in partnership with:

  • schools
  • colleges
  • training providers

This is to ensure the best support is available.

Their Personal Advisers also offer one-to-one support to help young people overcome any barriers. These barriers may be stopping young people from moving into either:

  • learning
  • training
  • work

To contact the Connexions service, please email:

Or visit the Connexions website.

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