Moving into Southend during the admissions period? Frequently asked questions
When is the closing date for applications?
31 October
Which local authority do I apply to?
I you live outside of the Southend area you must apply for Southend Schools via the local authority in which you live.
If you are moving to Southend before the application closing date and you:
- cannot provide proof your Southend address by 31 October, you will need to apply to Southend schools via your current home authority.
- cannot provide proof of your Southend address by 31 October, then please apply to the Southend Local Authority.
How do I change my address?
If you move into Southend during the admissions process, you must:
- notify our School Admissions Team - this can be done via email or by letter.
- inform your previous local authority
You should provide proof of exchange of contracts if you have:
- purchased your new home
- signed a tenancy agreement if you are renting
Additional proof of address required includes:
- UK driving licence
- Council tax notification
- Council tax closure notification for previous address, if recently moved address
- at least two utility bills dated within the last 3 months (gas, electricity or water)
- signed Tenancy Agreement
- exchange of contracts letter
- registration with a local doctor, dentist in the child's name
If there are changes to your plans you must let our School Admissions Team know immediately. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of your child's offered place.
If you are not a Southend resident, please check with your local authority for their policy on change of address, as this may be different.
When are you moving to the city?
Addresses for schools in the city are based on the child's normal place of residence on or before the last Friday of November. Evidence/proof of address must be provided on or before the last Friday of November. Any addresses/changes or proof after these dates are updated after National Offer Day. As a result, applications are reranked accordingly.
If you are not a Southend resident, please check with your local authority for their policy on change of address, as this may be different.
You have questions about The Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE) test scores?
All information about CSSE test scores is provided by the CSSE.