Highways Improvement Programme

The condition of the roads and pavements across Southend is very important. We work to:

  • protect
  • maintain, and
  • improve

the highways through our improvement programme.

This is done in line with the Highway Improvements Policy.

Please see the proposed scheme list for Year 1 - 2024/25 and Year 2 - 2025/26. Any schemes not completed in the designated year, will roll over to the following year.

Selected roads are considered under Codes of Practice recommendations, and we must include both risk and condition in our assessment.

This does often result in the busier roads and areas of higher footfall being selected, as we must make sure we consider those areas of highest use or risk first.

Other factors assessed include:

  • level of previous maintenance works
  • number of trees
  • number of reported potholes etc

Please report any issues with roads or pavements by using our report an issue on the highway network form. These reports may affect our future selections.

Please note: Exact lengths of each road/pavement works may be subject to change.

Year of delivery will also be subject to change based on various factors including:

  • deterioration
  • major utility works
  • budgetary changes
  • other unforeseen circumstances

They would be inspected on site before works are planned.

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