All minor repairs identified from our safety inspections are prioritised for action depending on their severity, location and the hierarchy of the road or footway.
They might include:
- raised flagstones
- kerbs
- potholes
- highway drains/gullies
- road markings
- highway grass verges and weeds
- fences, guardrails, crash barriers
- overgrown/overhanging vegetation
- damaged, missing or uneven manhole covers
Overhanging vegetation, fallen trees, fallen fences, utility barriers/cones, goods or vehicles for sales, tables and chairs, advertising boards and building materials that block the highway or pavement can be considered to be causing an obstruction to pedestrians.
You can inform us on any highway maintenance issues through our Report it page.
Highways Resurfacing Programme
Details of our highway resurfacing programme can be found online.
Asset Management
To effectively and efficiently manage the Council's highway network, there needs to be an appreciation of the size and condition of it. A managed inventory of highway network assets is therefore fundamental. Southend-on-Sea City Council's highway network comprises mostly of an urban network, either classified as A, B, C roads or unclassified local roads.
As the Highway Authority, the Council has a statutory duty to maintain the highway network in a condition to enable the safe passage of the travelling public.
The Council has a Transport Asset Management Strategy this shows how our asset management is applied to all highway infrastructure assets that are the responsibility of the Council, details of the strategy can be found online.
You will also find details of our highway infrastructure asset management plan which outlines our asset management policy and strategy.
Asset Management Annual Report
The Highway Asset Management Annual Report for 2021/22 shows how our asset management has be applied to our highway infrastructure assets.
Road Closures
Details on the current and planned road closures can be found on our website.
Additional funding
We have received additional funding which has and will continue to be used to improve our roads and was made possible by reallocated HS2 funding. Full details can be found within our news story.