We manage nature reserves both on our own and in partnership with other organisations. Some of these sites include specific habitats that are the subject of individual Action Plans within the Local Biodiversity Action Plan. Sites managed directly include:
- Belfairs Nature Reserve and Belfairs Wood
- Edwards Hall Park and Belton Hills Local Nature Reserve
Sites managed on our behalf by partners include:
- Two Tree Island
- Old Ranges, Shoeburyness
We also organise the Biodiversity and Environmental Awareness Working Party, a body made up of representatives from 12 local wildlife organisations, Council Officers and Councillor. The Party meets regularly to discuss issues that include nature conservation in the city.
A number of voluntary groups, individuals and organisations also play their part in helping to protect species and managing sites for wildlife. These groups rely heavily on the enthusiasm of their volunteers and where possible we continue to promote our individual objectives and encourage new members. Details of local groups can be found in Appendix 2 in the Local Biodiversity Action Plan.
Raising awareness and giving information to residents is also undertaken by us and this is a role that will increase in line with the objectives within Southend's Local Biodiversity Action Plan.
The Annual Report of the Local Biodiversity Action Plan highlights the actions being taken, progress made and data collected each year.
Reports can be found in our related downloads.