Procurement strategy and contract procedure rules

Contract procedure rules

Our contract procedure rules set out the procedures that all officers must follow when spending Council money on supplies, services and works.

It is an important document which forms part of the Constitution and sets out the minimum requirements to ensure open and fair trading. It also ensures compliance with both English and European law whilst ensuring that the council and council funds are protected.

Council purchase orders

Our terms and conditions must be followed when purchasing works, goods and services.

Procurement strategy

We have adopted a 3 year procurement strategy, which sets out how it intends to review our expenditure.

The key points are listed below:

Procurement objectives:

  1. control spend effective management of spend which is proportionate to the value and risk of that purchase. Maximising cost savings and cost avoidance
  2. effective policy providing clarity of roles and responsibilities, appropriate controls and thresholds, supporting control and assurance
  3. efficent procurement and systems suite of tools, systems and information to effectively manage and support the end to end procurement process
  4. delivery of savings Identification and classification of opportunities for savings, cost avoidance and quality improvements, with the mechanisms to support their delivery
  5. performance manage contracts comprehensive and high quality contract management procedures are implemented across all corporate contracts ensuring high quality services and best value
  6. supporting government policies maximising the opportunities for social value, economic sustainability, and benefits for the local community

Procurement principles:

  • achieving best value
  • complying with regulatory and legislative requirements
  • meeting government acts and statutory duties
  • monitoring sustainablity
  • maintaining ethical standards
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