Format a tender


Invitations to tender will normally include the following documents:

  • instructions
  • official form of tender
  • certificate that the tender is bona fide
  • contract conditions
  • specification
  • articles of agreement

Tenderer's obligations

It is the responsibility of the tenderer to get all of the necessary information to prepare their tenders at their own expense.

Accuracy of information

Information supplied to tenderers by the council (whether in the instructions for tenderers or otherwise) is supplied for general guidance in the preparation of the tender.

Tenderers must satisfy themselves, by their own investigations, about the accuracy of any such information and no responsibility is accepted by us for any inaccurate information obtained by tenderers or for any loss or damage of whatever kind and whatsoever caused arising from the use by tenderers of such information.

We reserve the right to amend or modify tender documents prior to the award of contract.

All tenderers will be notified of any such amendment.


All information supplied by us in connection with this Tender shall be regarded as confidential by the tenderer.

Accuracy of price

Tenderers shall ensure that before submitting a tender all arithmetical calculations are checked for accuracy.

Delivery of documents

It is the tenderers responsibility to ensure all submissions are returned to us before the deadline for their receipt. Any tenders not received by this deadline will not be evaluated.

Tender evaluation

It is the intention of the council to enter into a contract with the tenderer who has provided the most economically advantageous tender. Full details of the evaluation criteria will be provided in the tender documentation.

All tenders will include a timetable for the following:

  • invitations to tenders
  • return of tenders
  • evaluation of tenders (including possible interview)
  • award contract
  • commence contract


We are not obligated to accept the lowest, or any tender that we receive.

Commencement of contract

The successful contractor must sign a formal contract agreement (Articles of Agreement) that will incorporate the conditions, service specification, instructions to tenderers and form of tender.

Please note

Tenders of £75,000 and above, will be advertised on Find a tender and procurement. All Tenders of £75,000 are also on the procurement portal to view and respond to tender opportunities please register and login to our 'free' Procurement Portal. See our useful websites for links.

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