You should try to speak to the neighbour who is causing the noise to try and resolve the problem first. But if the issue persists, we can deal with many types of noise especially if the noise is excessive, affects your enjoyment of your property and is likely to happen regularly.
This can include:
- playing of amplified music / speech / TV / radios
- playing of musical instruments
- DIY work
- building and vehicle alarms
- machinery in the street
- refrigeration, air condition and ventilation systems
- construction and demolition sites
- loading or unloading of delivery vehicles
- barking dogs
Please note: complaints about hearing walking, moving furniture, raised voices etc. is unlikely to be considered a statutory nuisance. But in extreme cases our Community Safety Unit may be able to investigate as anti-social behaviour.
Reporting noise nuisance
A problem can be reported to us using our online forms.
If the problem is currently happening during normal office hours please call us on 01702 215005.
Where the matter is occurring out of hours please raise this in the first instance through our 'report a nuisance'. We will investigate using both remote means and/or by arranged visits with the case officer.
To help us deal with your complaint you should give us:
- your contact details, including name, address and telephone number
- the address that is causing you nuisance
- details of the nuisance and how often you are being disturbed.
Please Note: We will not answer to anonymous complaints. This is to protect staff. But if you contact us, your identity will be kept confidential in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
What we can do
We will usually firstly write to the person causing the noise to tell them of the issue and to give advice. We will not reveal your details to the person causing the noise.
If the noise persists an Officer can investigate and witness the nuisance. The Officer will then assess whether it counts as a Statutory Nuisance. You may also be asked to keep a record of the time, extent and duration of the nuisance.
If the Officer decides that it is a statutory nuisance, we may:
- serve the person causing the noise a legal notice
- seize their equipment causing the noise
- or even prosecute them.
For information on London Southend Airport see our airport noise complaints page.