Air pollution

Smells from the sewage treatment works in Stock Road

Sometimes there will be unavoidable smells from the Anglian Water Services sewage treatment works. This could be because of a breakdown, maintenance taking place or other things connected with the normal running of a sewage treatment works.

If you need to complain about the smell you need to contact Anglian Water Services by phone 0345 791 9155 or email

They have an Odour Management Plan in place to find out what the problem is, and are responsible for the site, so it is important that any complaints to go to them.

If you are not happy with the response given, we may be able to get involved. If you do not think that you are getting a response from Anglian Water after giving them a reasonable time to respond please use our online form to report it. Please be aware though that we can only investigate smells from the sewage treatment works as a statutory nuisance if we consider that they are not doing all they reasonably can to prevent it.

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