Councillor Ron Woodley elected as Southend’s 103rd Mayor

Councillor Ron Woodley was elected as the City of Southend’s 103rd Mayor at today’s Full Council meeting and takes over from councillor Stephen Habermel who has served as Mayor for the past year.

Ron Woodley in his Mayoral robes standing on the civic staircase alongside the Council Chief executive Colin Ansell and Mayor's Officer and Macebearer Adam Tregoning.

The annual Mayor Making ceremony took place in the Civic Centre council chamber and was attended by the High Sheriff of Essex, MPs, members of the faith community, council officials, family members and friends.

In his acceptance speech, councillor Woodley expressed his great admiration and pride at being elected to the role of Mayor. He thanked outgoing Mayor councillor Habermel, fellow councillors for endorsing him, and thanked the residents of Thorpe ward where he represents as an independent councillor.

Councillor Woodley said: “I really am delighted to have this opportunity to become Mayor of our great city. I very much look forward to meeting the amazing range of voluntary and community organisations across Southend and helping to promote their hard work and dedication.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Reverend Frank Smith from St Augustine’s Church in Thorpe ward who has agreed to act as Chaplain during my Mayoral year. I am proud to announce that my main charity fundraising efforts for this municipal year will be for HARP, Southend's homeless charity, and the Jude Harvey Foundation which aims to prevent young sudden cardiac deaths through awareness, screening, research and supporting families.”

Outgoing Mayor, councillor Habermel, said: “I wish councillor Woodley and his wife, Maureen, a successful Mayoral year, and I would also like to thank colleagues, friends, residents of Chalkwell ward, as well as everyone who supported me during the past year.

“I am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped raise over £25,000 for my nominated charities, Havens Hospices and The Music Man Project. I look forward to the next year continuing to serve our city and thank everybody involved in making the 2023-24 Mayoralty as memorable as it was.”

Deputy Mayor for this year will be councillor Nigel Folkard and his wife Deputy Mayoress Marion Folkard.

Councillor Ron Woodley's biography:

  • born in 1947, Ron left school with no qualifications and entered an apprenticeship as a toolmaker
  • following his apprenticeship, Ron went on to work at Matchbox Toys in Hackney
  • he spent the following 19 years acquiring qualifications, excelling in mathematics, and forging a successful career in management
  • moved to Thorpe Ward in 1985 and spent 7 years renovating his home, where he has lived with his wife, Maureen, ever since
  • has served as an independent councillor for 17 years and has held various positions at the council including chair of policy and resources, chair of place scrutiny and both deputy leader and leader of the council. Ron was the first independent leader of the council and is the first independent Mayor of Southend
  • still serves as the chair of the Local Residents Association since 1997
  • also serves as lead peer for the Independent Group for East of England and East Midlands in the LGA, mentoring other councillors
  • currently on the board for CCLA Investment Trust
  • took time off when his daughter was born in 1993 to stay at home and raise her. She is now a successful commercial airline pilot. During his time as a stay-at-home dad, Ron used to make his own pear and apple wine
  • hobbies including golf, bowls, walking, and community involvement

Published: 9th May 2024

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