Leader's blog - 10 November 2023

Council leader Cllr Tony Cox discusses the importance of Remembrance weekend.

Cllr Tony Cox wearing a navy blue suit jacket, white shirt and a pink, blue and white flowery tie. He is sitting in front of the Council Coat of Arms.

It was great to see so many people brave the weather to come out for the fireworks on Saturday 4 November. It's the penultimate weekend of the seafront fireworks this coming Saturday so make sure you get down there and see what a great night out it is for the family.

This weekend is also important as we mark Remembrance weekend, with Armistice Day on Saturday (11 November) and our annual Remembrance Sunday service (12 November).

The two events - the two-minute silence on Saturday and the parade and service on Sunday - would simply not be possible without the help of a number of community partners, veterans, invited guests and third sector organisations.

I want to thank everyone who played a part is making the event happen and I feel it is a fitting tribute that this year the two occasions fall alongside one another on the same weekend, so we can pay our respects to the fallen.

Both are emotional days as we remember those who gave their lives in service for their country. And with the ongoing conflicts in the world, it seems even more poignant this year.

By including organisations with young members, the scouts and sea scouts and local schools, as part of the parade and wreath -laying, it's always a fitting reminder of what we are fighting for - our tomorrow, their future.

And I feel I should remind everyone that battles and conflicts are not always the sort fought with armies and weapons; some battles are simply fought with willpower and words.

I am sure that every single one of us is fighting some sort of personal battle too or at least know someone who is, so be kind to each other and enjoy your weekend.

Cllr Tony Cox, leader of the council

Published: 9th November 2023

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