Ofsted rates Southend Adult Community College as ‘Good’

Inspectors have praised Southend Adult Community College for its inclusive, supportive, respectful, welcoming culture, as it scores a ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted.

Southend Adult Community College entrance

The inspection, which took place from 26 to 29 September 2023, concentrated on the adult learning programmes, education programmes for young people and provision for learners with high needs.

Southend Adult Community College (SACC) offers adult skills, employability and community learning courses across their centres at Southchurch, Belfairs and Westcliff, and at the time of the inspection there were 998 students enrolled on their courses.

Some of the highlights of the report include:

  • most adult learners achieve their qualification or learning goal
  • it is a safe learning environment with no bullying or harassment
  • tutors provide clear explanations and good feedback to help develop students
  • students develop substantial new knowledge, skills and behaviours
  • there is effective support for students as they plan their next steps and careers

Cllr Helen Boyd, cabinet member for children and learning, said: “This is fantastic news for the college, who I know have been working tirelessly to make the improvements needed so their students get the best possible learning experience and can start fulfilling and interesting careers in their chosen subject.

“Now with this Ofsted report, the college can make further, targeted improvements to the service they offer learners and build upon their success.”

Stuart Wesselby, interim principal at SACC, said: “We're delighted with the recognition Ofsted have given us for our hard work and absolutely agree that we need to improve our offer to young people and this is in hand. We will continue to build on the work we are doing and strive to make all areas of the college's performance ‘good' on our road to outstanding status at our next inspection."

To read the report in full, visit the Ofsted website.

Published: 8th November 2023

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