Two-times winners in the Essex Housing Awards 2023

Two Essex Housing Awards were scooped by Southend-on-Sea City Council for their positive contribution to the housing sector.

A group photograph of all award winners holding their glass trophies. They are all smiling on stage and are dressed in formal business wear.

South Essex Construction Training Academy (SECTA) won the award for Excellence in Construction Skills. The project aimed to equip residents in south Essex with the skills needed to develop a career in construction. Since 2019 SECTA has supported just over 2,500 south Essex residents and directly supported 650 of those into employment.

Andy Willett, SECTA project manager, said: “It was all about providing participants support, delivering training, and working closely with a dedicated project team and partners to ensure our participants were well-prepared for the job market, all while doing our best to reach and support groups who have historically been hardest to reach.

“I was chuffed to be able to receive this award on behalf of the team and although the project is no longer running, I'm glad the contribution it has made was recognised.”

While Faye Creasey, a project and policy support officer in housing at Southend-on-Sea City Council won the coveted Mo Slade Rising Star award.

Faye said: “I wasn't expecting to win, especially due to the calibre of the nine people shortlisted and this was shown by the fact the judges chose three winners not just one. But I'm so happy and grateful to have had my work recognised, and proud to be representing Southend-on-Sea City Council.”

The council was also highly commended in the Climate Action Category for our decarbonisation and retrofit house project which Ben Harrison, sustainability officer and on the shortlist for the Mo Slade Rising Star award, has led on.

Cllr David Garston, cabinet member for housing and planning, said: “It is fantastic that a council team and officer have been recognised in a regional awards ceremony for the positive contribution they are making to the housing sector.

“I am very proud that we can say we have won two Essex Housing Awards and I am sure this will encourage the rest of the housing team to enter next year's awards.”

The 2023 Essex Housing Awards, in association with Birketts, recognise high-quality developments, services and individuals from the public, private and voluntary sectors and promotes best practice across the county. The 2023 winners were revealed on Thursday 2 November at Greenwoods Hotel and Spa in Stock.

Published: 8th November 2023

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