Leader's blog - 13 October 2023

A moment of reflection two years on since Sir David Amess MP was tragically murdered. Council leader, Cllr Tony Cox remembers the man and his legacy.

Cllr Tony Cox wearing a navy blue suit jacket, white shirt and a pink, blue and white flowery tie. He is sitting in front of the Council Coat of Arms.

It's difficult to believe that on Sunday 15th October, it will be two years since the shocking news that Sir David Amess MP had been stabbed during a surgery in his constituency of Southend West. I'll never forget that day. As a friend and admirer of Sir David, it was truly horrifying that such a heinous crime could be carried out on a much-loved local MP and on our doorstep.

We will be lowering the flags to half-mast at the Civic Centre and Porters over the weekend, as a mark of respect and because Sir David was loved – this was demonstrated two years ago by the tributes and sheer outpouring of emotion and respect for him and his work over the two decades since he was elected as an MP. And sadly, his death highlighted the potential dangers for a public figure like Sir David, who was simply serving his residents and doing his job. The terrorist act of his premeditated murder overshadowed any political positioning, as the country reflected on such a devastating incident and locally we came together as a community to mourn and then rebuild.

And I think Sir David would be horrified to learn that security breaches are making headlines at the national Labour Conference, with Sir Keir Starmer being covered in glitter. Such protests, while creating a talking point on social media, detract from the respect public figures should be shown and the standard of security for their own personal safety. As leader of the opposition party, it should never have been allowed to happen.

I also think Sir David would be horrified by the actions of the Hamas group. Any form of terrorist violence should be condemned, and I appreciate there may be residents within Southend-on-Sea who are affected or know someone who is affected by what is happening in Israel. If you need extra support, you can visit the Government's Victim of Terrorism Unit (VTU) website or speak to Victim Support by contacting their free 24/7 support line on 0808 168 9111, or on live chat by visiting the Victim Support website.

However, I do know that Sir David would also be proud of Southend-on-Sea. He'd be proud of our City status, which he steadfastly campaigned for. He would be so proud of The Music Man Project, which he championed from the outset and who have achieved amazing things in the past two years. He would be proud that Southend United Football Club has been saved. And he'd be proud of the many community groups who are doing amazing work in Southend, some of whom who were recognised at the recent BBC Essex 'Make a Difference Awards', including winners Safe Steps and runners up Send the Right Message.

As I have said before, the community spirit we have developed and nurtured in Southend, sets us apart from other towns and cities. The comradery, strength and support shown in tough times, and the shared jubilation and pride during the good times, is incomparable.

I feel this weekend, and on Sunday in particular, we need to reflect on the difference we make in the world. And if you can spare a moment to remember Sir David Amess MP and the hopes he always held for a fair, inclusive and stable future for Southend, for the UK and for the world.

Take care, and have a great weekend.

Cllr Tony Cox,
Leader of the Council

Published: 13th October 2023

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