Leader's blog - 06 October 2023

Relief for the rescue of Southend United Football Club is in the forefront of Cllr Tony Cox’ mind this week as the leader of the council reflects on the club’s importance to the City.

Cllr Tony Cox wearing a navy blue suit jacket, white shirt and a pink, blue and white flowery tie. He is sitting in front of the Council Coat of Arms.

I share the joy of Southend United fans that the future of the club was saved this week by an Australian consortium.

I sat around the table with all those concerned and was involved in many of the discussions which secured the future of the club and was to the satisfaction of all those involved. It wasn't an easy task, and our deep involvement demonstrates the importance of the club to the City.

Although the performance of the Shrimpers off the pitch has massively overshadowed any of the excellent and determined performances on the pitch in recent months, it is the highs and lows and heartbreak of supporting a football team that makes the beautiful game so great. And the fans of the club are dedicated, passionate and care, not just about the club and it's future, but preserving the history and legacy of everything SUFC has achieved in the years.

The club is such an important cornerstone of our City. I hope the new owners show it the level of love and investment it so desperately needs to make sure the club thrives and to make sure it is never in the uncertain and turbulent times it has found itself in recent years. Up the Shrimpers!

As much as people look towards the council to step in and help with complex community situations or crisis such as with SUFC, we are sometimes limited in what we can do to support.

We can lend our experience, expertise, and time in advising, however when it comes to cold hard cash, the current financial climate and the unprecedented financial challenges the council is facing, makes this difficult.

As I have already said, with the financial situation we inherited when we came to power as an administration in May this year, the current national financial situation and inflation for example and increases in the demand and cost to provide our services, we have some very difficult choices and decisions ahead.

But please let me say ahead of time, that nothing we propose will be put forward lightly. No administration wants to come in and make cost savings and unfortunately, that is exactly what we're having to do. We must reduce our cost base and focus on supporting those who need our help the most. We need to balance the books and ensure the future financial security of the council.

We owe it to you, the taxpayer.

On a lighter note, the seafront fireworks will be back again this Saturday, for FREE from 8pm. It’s a great way to enjoy everything our seafront has to offer as the dusk turns to night and the autumn chill sets in.

Have a lovely weekend.

Published: 6th October 2023

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