City of Southend-on-Sea welcomes Ukrainian guests – speeches

The City of Southend-on-Sea welcomed two special guests from Ukraine today.

Left to right - Ms. Olha Pikula, Deputy of Mariupol City Council, Ukraine; Mr. Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol City Council, Ukraine; The Worshipful The Mayor of Southend-on-Sea, Cllr Stephen Habermel standing in front of a welcome to the UK banner.

Here are some of the speeches made in the special meeting of Full Council.

The full webcast can be viewed on our webcast library.

The Worshipful The Mayor, Cllr Stephen Habermel:

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and honoured guests.

Today is a truly special occasion as we gather here in the chamber to welcome two distinguished representatives from cities in Ukraine, Mr. Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol City Council, and Ms. Olha Pikula, Deputy of Mariupol City Council and Director of Communications and Fundraising at the Charity Fund "I'Mariupol".

It is an honour and a privilege to offer our warmest greetings to them and to offer the hand of friendship, support, and solidarity as the occupation of parts of the Ukraine sadly continues, including in both their cities in the south of the country.

In the face of adversity, it is crucial that we stand together, united by our shared values of democracy, freedom, and the right of every community to determine its own destiny. As we gather here today, we are reminded of the profound importance of fostering international relationships and building bridges between cultures. It is through these connections that we can contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious world.

Southend-on-Sea has a long history of embracing diversity and celebrating the strength that comes from a community of different backgrounds and experiences and we have been proud to support the Homes for Ukraine scheme and welcome around 300 Ukrainians into our community. I would like to thank our own council officers who have been and continue to be at the heart of our local response, and our partners such as Welcome to the UK, the Department for Work and Pensions, Citizens Advice and others. I am pleased that you will be meeting some of these key people and organisations today.

Today, we reaffirm our commitment and offer you our unwavering support and extend the hand of friendship to you, your cities, and your people.

Mr. Fedorov and Ms. Pikula, we are inspired by the resilience and courage demonstrated by the citizens of Melitopol and Mariupol in the face of challenging circumstances. Your commitment to the well-being of your communities is an example to us all, and we are humbled that you have visited our City in these trying times.

We understand that the road ahead is difficult, but please know that Southend-on-Sea is here to support you in your efforts to rebuild and strengthen your cities and live in peace and prosperity.

In closing, let us remember that the bonds of friendship transcend borders and overcome obstacles. As we welcome Mr. Ivan Fedorov and Ms. Olha Pikula to our city, let us look forward to a future filled with cooperation, understanding, compassion and shared prosperity. The people of Southend-on-Sea extend their warmest welcome and a firm commitment to stand by your side as you face the challenges ahead. Together, we can work towards a brighter tomorrow for all our communities.

Thank you, and may our friendship between Southend-on-Sea and Melitopol and Mariupol flourish and endure for generations to come.

Cllr Tony Cox, Leader of the Conservative Group and Leader of the Council:

Thank You Mr Mayor. As you have said in your opening remarks, it is an absolute honour and privilege that this Council formally welcomes Mr Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol City Council and Ms Olha Pikula, Deputy of Mariupol City Council to Southend.

I, like many others watched in absolute horror and disbelief when Russia unleashed its murderous assault on the Ukraine. The largest land war in Europe since World War Two had begun. Whilst it has been just over 19 months since the full-scale invasion, we must not forget that Ukraine has been resisting Russian occupation since the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.

When the tanks began to roll into Ukraine, President Putin thought it would be a walkover. He was wrong. The Ukrainian people are too brave.

As a nation, we faced fundamental questions about the commitment to the most basic of principles. Would we stand up for the sovereignty of nations? Would we stand up for the right of people to live free from naked aggression? Would we stand up for democracy?

We know the answers. Democracy was too strong. I am proud of the response of our nation and equally I am proud of this city who have welcomed with open arms hundreds of Ukrainians into our community.

Back in February 2022, instead of watching the fall of Kyiv we saw it stand tall. And most important, it still stands free. I am in no doubt Mr Fedorov and Ms Pikula, that soon, your cities and its people will be free to. In your pursuit for freedom we as a Council give you our unwavering support.

And when you are finally liberated we will be there offering the hand of friendship to you, your cities, and will support you in your efforts to rebuild and strengthen. In moments of great upheaval and uncertainty, knowing who stands with you can make a difference.

Mr Mayor, I hope that today's visit will be the start of something special. A bond with conviction and with an abiding commitment of our three great cities to be lifelong friends.

But friends not of darkness, but of light. Friends not of oppression, but of liberation. And finally Mr Mayor, friends not of captivity, but most importantly of all freedom. Thank You

Cllr Daniel Cowan, Leader of the Labour Group and Leader of the Opposition:

Thank you, Mr Mayor, thank you, honoured guests, Mr Federov and Ms Pikula. It is my honour to address you today and welcome you to our beautiful city.

It is fair to say that the strength of passion and feeling towards Ukraine in Southend is strong, and the people of Southend stand with the people of Ukraine. We know you are proud people, that you are resilient people, and the Ukrainian families we have hosted in our city have added greatly to our communities and brought many skills to our city and our businesses that we are so fortunate to benefit from. We have benefited from your tragedy, and for that we must repay you in kind.

Though Ukraine is famed as the breadbasket of Europe, Ukraine's contributions to human advancement should not go unnoticed. Huge leaps in science, medicine, immunology, apiculture, aeronautics, academia, technology and so much more have been made possible by the work of Ukrainian pioneers. For that and so much more, the world has a lot to thank Ukraine for, and we must look forward to the day when Ukrainian pioneers are free to innovate again, undeterred by the oppression of Russia and liberated from Putin's aggression.

Our beloved city of Southend welcomes you and it is an honour for our city to have you here, and I am eager for the ties between Melitopol, Mariupol and Southend to grow stronger as I believe we have much to share and learn from each other, and we have much in common.

For example, the City of Southend is known for its beautiful and historic churches and its equally beautiful beaches. Indeed, our civic motto is Per Mare Per Ecclesiam, meaning by the sea, by the church. Our honoured guests, I am sure will tell you, that their own beautiful country of Ukraine is well-known for its magnificent churches, stunning beaches, and well-preserved culture.

It is a tragedy that Ukraine continues to face Russian imperialistic aggression. The people of the United Kingdom stand with Ukraine and we are in awe of your patriotism, your invincible spirit, and your endless determination and dedication to justice. It is for these reasons we know that Ukraine will prevail, Ukraine will never surrender, and Ukraine shall endure.

I call on the British Government to do all it can to support Ukraine to drive Russian aggressors out of Ukraine and to bring peace back to Europe.

Honoured guests, Mister Mayor, Mr Federov, Ms Pikula, today we strengthen ties between our cities and our peoples. This morning we met as strangers and we will part as friends, united by shared values, common goals, and a desire to see Ukraine liberated.

Please forgive my poor pronunciation, I am going to attempt a message in Ukrainian, from my heart to take with you.

Southend з вами. Захід не повинен чекати погоди з моря. ми повинні разом показати Путіну де раки зимують.

Literal translation: Southend is with you. The countries of the west must not wait for weather from the sea. Working together we will show Putin where the crayfish is wintering.

Meaning: Southend is your ally. The West should not wait to take action by your side. If we work with you, we can teach Putin a lesson. Glory to Ukraine.

Published: 26th September 2023

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