Violence and Vulnerability Community Grant applications launched

Groups that deliver support to families with children and young adults are being encouraged to apply for the Violence and Vulnerability Community Grant.

9 images in a grid. They feature outdoor activities, such as a football goal and basketball hoop as well as a large camera on a tripod. The middle image is of a group of teenagers in hoodies down an alleyway.

The 2024-2025 Violence and Vulnerability Community Grant is now open to applications from local 'not-for-profit' voluntary or community clubs, or organisations based in Southend-on-Sea.

Groups can apply for up to £25,000 to deliver support and interventions for children, young people, young adults and families, by demonstrating how the work they do has a positive impact.

Examples of previous grant funded projects have been; one-to-one support and mentoring, outdoor therapy sessions, youth club sessions, after-school clubs and support, sporting activities, including drama and the arts, initiatives run within schools, detached youth work and targeted support for vulnerable.

Cllr James Courtenay, cabinet member for community safety and public protection, said: “I am delighted that the next round of applications has been launched. The violence and vulnerability partnership are an invaluable aid for those organisations that help support the youth community in Southend-on-Sea, making sure that young people are, and continue to be supported and safeguarded.

“Local organisations are at the forefront of some amazing work that seeks to address issues such as knife harm, gangs, drugs, exploitation and lack of youth provision, and we are keen to support this work as much as we can.

“I urge those organisations to apply for the additional funding, to help them to continue the amazing work they do in the City.”

Roger Hirst, police, fire and crime commissioner for Essex, and chair of the violence and vulnerability partnership, said: “Young people have told us what support they want in their local area and now it is within our power to gift them that support. Listening to young people isn't a token gesture, we want to act on their local knowledge and help ensure that there is targeted support in their communities that ensures they are safe, supported and safeguarded from risk.”

The V and V Community Grant is looking to fund projects that can run during April 2024 to 31 December 2025, commencing no later than 1 September 2024.

The closing date for applications is noon on Friday 29 September 2023. Groups can apply online via the application form.

For more information visit the Essex Council for Voluntary Youth Services website.

Published: 27th July 2023

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