Leadership blog - Cllr Meg Davidson, Cabinet Member for Environment - 21 July 2023

Cllr Meg Davidson, Cabinet Member for Environment shares positive news about the recently announced Green Flag Awards for Southend’s parks.

Cllr Meg Davidson, a white woman with shoulder length light brown hair, she is sitting in a chair and smiling at the camera.

Southend-on-Sea is fortunate to have wonderful parks and open spaces enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.

Our Parks Team works really hard all year round to ensure that our parks are well-cared for and look their best. Many of our parks were bequeathed to the residents of Southend by landowners of a bygone age and we owe them a debt of gratitude for the legacy which they left to future generations.

As well as the beautiful flower displays, we have lakes, playgrounds, football pitches, cricket grounds, tennis courts, bowling greens, wildlife areas, heritage areas, cafes and in Priory Park we have the bandstand with concerts every weekend throughout the spring and summer months.

I am delighted to announce that the hard work and dedication of our Parks Team has been recognised and this year we have been awarded nine national Green Flag Awards, the highest number Southend has received so far.

This includes Priory Park, which has regained its Green Flag status. The list also includes: Chalkwell Park, Southchurch Park, Southchurch Hall Gardens, Leigh Library Gardens, Shoebury Park, Belfairs Park, Sutton Road Cemetery and Crematorium and, for the very first time, Shoebury Common North.

Thanks are due not only to our Parks Team, but also to the community groups who volunteer, and visitors who help keep the parks in top shape by putting litter in the bins and taking care of the equipment and facilities.

In this cost-of-living crisis and when people are struggling with their physical and mental health, it is so important to have green open spaces to escape to, to enjoy a sport, play in the playground, or simply to sit on a bench and enjoy the changeable British weather. Our parks are simply invaluable, and the Green Flag Awards give everyone in Southend something to be very proud of.

This is particularly important as the school term ends and we're heading into the school summer holidays where some families may struggle to keep their children active and occupied. Our parks are the obvious solution.

As is the new play area outside The Forum, which is now open and is a wonderful new facility for young children, sparking imagination and play and it’s right in the heart of our City centre. It shows that despite budget challenges, we are still able to invest in making our City the best it can be, somewhere people can relax, socialise and enjoy the environment.

On Thursday night we had a special meeting of the Council to induct David Stanley as Freeman of the City and former councillor Andrew Moring as honorary alderman. It was an emotional and celebratory evening and demonstrates the true heart of Southend-on-Sea. Two men whose hard work, dedication and passion for serving others has been recognised and rewarded. They will forever be synonymous with the City of Southend-on-Sea and they deserve our heartfelt thanks and congratulations.

Have a lovely weekend.

Cllr Meg Davidson, Cabinet Member for Environment

Published: 21st July 2023

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