Household Support Fund is available for pension aged residents

Residents on a low income who are facing hardship with the cost of living can apply for help through the council’s Essential Living fund.

Black and white photograph of some elderly hands holding coins.

Pensioners, unpaid carers and care leavers are some of the groups eligible for help under the Household Support Fund (HSF), which the Department for Work and Pensions extended back in April 2023, adding a further £842 million to the scheme across England. Of which, Southend-on-Sea City Council secured an addition £2.8 million.

The funding is designed to provide immediate help for those who are struggling with the cost of energy and food. It should be used to support households in the most need, particularly those who may not be eligible for other government support.

Although the HSF is aimed at all low-income households, the council has not received many applications from certain groups such as pensioners, unpaid carers and care leavers. Anyone in those groups who are facing hardship with essential costs should submit an application, which takes around five business days to process.

Cllr John Lamb, cabinet member for regulatory services, said: “As we continue to see the rise in financial hardship for our residents, and specifically lower income households, this additional funding is very much welcome.

“Unlike some funding, the HSF funding is for immediate help with essentials, and aimed at those who may not be eligible for other government funding support.

“If you are experiencing hardship and could benefit from the fund, get in touch with the council's Essential Living Fund team.”

For more information and how to apply for the funding visit our Essential Living Fund page.

Published: 18th July 2023

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